Tip of the Day : LeetCode 197 - Rising Temperature

SQL Server Helper - Tip of the Day

How to Get a List of SQL Server Servers on the Network

For SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 and later, to get a list of SQL Server servers on the network, the sqlcmd.exe utility can be used.  The sqlcmd utility lets you enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures and script files at the command prompt.  One of the arguments that can be passed to the sqlcmd utility is “-Lc” which will list locally configured server computers, and the names of the server computers that are broadcasting on the network.  The “c” part of the “-Lc” argument stands for clean output and it means that the output appears without the Servers: header line and each server line is listed without leading spaces.

C:\> sqlcmd -Lc

For SQL Server 2000, the isql or osql utilities can be used.  Just like the sqlcmd utility, the isql and osql utilites allow you to enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures and script files form the command prompt.  The osql utility uses ODBC to communicate with the server while the isql utility uses DB-Library to communicate with SQL Server 2000.  Unlike the sqlcmd utility, the clean output “c” argument option is not available and only the “-L” command argument is available.

C:\> osql -L

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