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SQL Server Error Messages - Errors 1501 to 2000

A message number uniquely identifies each error message and the error message text describes the problem.  The error message text often includes placeholders for information (such as object names) to be inserted in the error message when it is displayed.  Unfortunately, the error message text does not tell you how to solve or work around the problem.  In this series of Error Messages list, we will try to provide you with ways on how to overcome or work around certain error messages.

Some error messages are self-explanatory and can easily be fixed, such as "Invalid object name".  Others are harder to fix or work around, especially by those who are new to SQL Server.  It is the intent of this page and succeeding pages (to come) to assist you in addressing or working around SQL Server error messages.

Error Severity Description
1501 20 Sort failure.
1505 14 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a duplicate key was found for index ID <Index Value>. Most significant primary key is '<Primary Key Name>'.
1507 10 Warning: Deleted duplicate row. Primary key is '<Primary Key Name>'.
1508 14 CREATE INDEX terminated because a duplicate row was found. Primary key is '<Primary Key Name>'.
1509 20 Row compare failure.
1510 17 Sort failed.  Out of space or locks in database <Database Name>
1511 20 Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log.
1522 20 Sort failure. Prevented overwriting of allocation page in database '%.*ls' by terminating sort.
1523 20 Sort failure. Prevented incorrect extent deallocation by aborting sort.
1528 21 Character data comparison failure. An unrecognized Sort-Map-Element type (%d) was found in the server-wide default sort table at SMEL entry [%d].
1529 21 Character data comparison failure. A list of Sort-Map-Elements from the server-wide default sort table does not end properly. This list begins at SMEL entry [%d].
1530 16 CREATE INDEX with DROP_EXISTING was aborted because a row was out of order. Most significant offending primary key is '<Primary Key>'. Explicitly drop and create the index instead.
1531 16 The SORTED_DATA_REORG option cannot be used for a nonclustered index if the keys are not unique within the table. CREATE INDEX was aborted because of duplicate keys. Primary key is '<Primary Key>'.
1532 20 New sort run starting on page %S_PGID found extent not marked as shared.
1533 20 Cannot share extent %S_PGID among more than eight sort runs.
1534 20 Extent %S_PGID not found in shared extent directory.
1535 20 Cannot share extent %S_PGID with shared extent directory full.
1536 20 Cannot build a nonclustered index on a memory-only work table.
1537 20 Cannot suspend a sort not in row input phase.
1538 20 Cannot insert into a sort not in row input phase.
1540 16 Cannot sort a row of size %d, which is greater than the allowable maximum of %d.
1619 21 Could not open tempdb. Cannot continue.
1620 21 Cannot start C2 audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down.
1621 10 Server started with '-f'. Auditing will not be started.
1701 16 Creation of table '<Table Name>' failed because the row size would be <Size>, including internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size, <Maximum Allowable Table Row Size>.
1702 16 CREATE TABLE failed because column '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum of %d columns.
1703 17 Could not allocate disk space for a work table in database '%.*ls'. You may be able to free up space by using BACKUP LOG, or you may want to extend the size of the database by using ALTER DATABASE.
1704 16 Only members of the sysadmin role can create the system table '%.*ls'.
1705 16 You must create system table '%.*ls' in the master database.
1706 16 System table '%.*ls' was not created, because ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not enabled.
1708 10 Warning: The table '%.*ls' has been created but its maximum row size (%d) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (%d). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds %d bytes.
1709 16 Cannot use TEXTIMAGE_ON when a table has no text, ntext, or image columns.
1750 10 Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
1752 16 Could not create DEFAULT for column '%.*ls' as it is not a valid column in the table '%.*ls'.
1753 16 Column '<Primary Table.Primary Key>' is not the same length as referencing column '<Referencing Table.Referencing Column>' in foreign key '<Foreign Key Constraint Name>'.
1754 16 Defaults cannot be created on columns with an IDENTITY attribute. Table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
1755 16 Defaults cannot be created on columns of data type timestamp. Table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
1756 10 Skipping FOREIGN KEY constraint '%.*ls' definition for temporary table.
1757 16 Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not of same collation as referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
1759 16 Invalid column '%.*ls' is specified in a constraint or computed-column definition.
1760 16 Constraints of type %ls cannot be created on columns of type %ls.
1763 16 Cross-database foreign key references are not supported. Foreign key '%.*ls'.
1766 16 Foreign key references to temporary tables are not supported. Foreign key '%.*ls'.
1767 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' references invalid table '%.*ls'.
1768 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' references object '%.*ls' which is not a user table.
1769 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' references invalid column '%.*ls' in referencing table '%.*ls'.
1770 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' references invalid column '%.*ls' in referenced table '%.*ls'.
1772 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' defines an invalid relationship between a user table and system table.
1773 16 Foreign key '%.*ls' has implicit reference to object '%.*ls' which does not have a primary key defined on it.
1774 16 The number of columns in the referencing column list for foreign key '%.*ls' does not match those of the primary key in the referenced table '%.*ls'.
1776 16 There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table '<Table Name>' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key '<Foreign Key Constraint>'.
1777 14 User does not have correct permissions on referenced table '%.*ls' to create foreign key '%.*ls'.
1778 16 Column '<Primary Table.Primary Key>' is not the same data type as referencing column '<Referencing Table.Referencing Column>' in foreign key '<Foreign Key Constraint>'.
1779 16 Table '%.*ls' already has a primary key defined on it.
1781 16 Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it.
1784 16 Cannot create the foreign key '%.*ls' because the referenced column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is a computed column.
1785 16 Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
1786 16 Either column '%.*ls.%.*ls' or referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls' is a timestamp column. This data type cannot be used with cascading referential integrity constraints.
1787 16 Cannot define foreign key constraint '%.*ls' with cascaded DELETE or UPDATE on table '%.*ls' because the table has an INSTEAD OF DELETE or UPDATE TRIGGER defined on it.
1788 16 Cascading foreign key '%.*ls' cannot be created where the referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is an identity column.

Error Severity Description
1801 16 Database '%.*ls' already exists.
1802 11 CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check previous errors.
1803 17 CREATE DATABASE failed. Could not allocate enough disk space for a new database on the named disks. Total space allocated must be at least %d MB to accommodate a copy of the model database.
1804 10 There is no disk named '%.*ls'. Checking other disk names.
1805 10 The CREATE DATABASE process is allocating %.2f MB on disk '%.*ls'.
1806 16 CREATE DATABASE failed. The default collation of database '%.*ls' cannot be set to '%.*ls'.
1807 17 Could not obtain exclusive lock on database '%.*ls'. Retry the operation later.
1808 21 Default devices are not supported.
1809 10 To achieve optimal performance, update all statistics on the '%.*ls' database by running sp_updatestats.
1811 16 '%.*ls' is the wrong type of device for CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE. Check sysdevices. The statement is aborted.
1812 16 CREATE DATABASE failed. COLLATE clause cannot be used with the FOR ATTACH option.
1813 16 Could not open new database '%.*ls'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
1814 10 Could not create tempdb. If space is low, extend the amount of space and restart.
1901 16 Column '%.*ls'. Cannot create index on a column of bit data type.
1902 16 Cannot create more than one clustered index on table '<Table Name>'. Drop the existing clustered index '<Clustered Index Name>' before creating another.
1903 16 Index keys are too large. The %d bytes needed to represent the keys for index %d exceeds the size limit of %d bytes.
1904 16 Cannot specify more than %d column names for statistics or index key list. %d specified.
1905 21 Could not find 'zero' row for index '%.*ls' the table in sysindexes.
1906 11 Cannot create an index on '%.*ls', because this table does not exist in database '%.*ls'.
1907 16 Cannot re-create index '%.*ls'. The new index definition does not match the constraint being enforced by the existing index.
1909 16 Cannot use duplicate column names in index key list. Column name '%.*ls' listed more than once.
1910 16 Cannot create more than %d nonclustered indices or column statistics on one table.
1911 16 Column name '%.*ls' does not exist in the target table.
1913 16 There is already an index on table '%.*ls' named '%.*ls'.
1914 16 Index cannot be created on object '%.*ls' because the object is not a user table or view.
1916 16 CREATE INDEX options %ls and %ls are mutually exclusive.
1918 10 Index (ID = %d) is being rebuilt.
1919 16 Column '%.*ls'. Cannot create index on a column of text, ntext, or image data type.
1920 16 Skipping rebuild of index ID %d, which is on a read-only filegroup.
1921 16 Invalid filegroup '%.*ls' specified.
1922 16 Filegroup '%.*ls' has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, and text, ntext, and image columns cannot be created on this filegroup.
1923 10 The clustered index has been dropped.
1938 16 Index cannot be created on %S_MSG '%.*ls' because the underlying object '%.*ls' has a different owner.
1939 16 Cannot create index on view '<View Name>' because the view is not schema bound.
1940 16 Cannot create index on view '<View Name>'. It does not have a unique clustered index.
1941 16 Nonunique clustered index cannot be created on view '%.*ls' because only unique clustered indexes are allowed.
1942 16 Index cannot be created on view '%.*ls' because the view contains text, ntext or image columns.
1943 16 Index cannot be created on view '%.*ls' because the view contains text, ntext or image columns.
1944 16 Index '%.*ls' was not created. This index has a key length of at least %d bytes. The maximum permissible key length is %d bytes.
1945 16 Warning! The maximum key length is %d bytes. The index '%.*ls' has maximum length of %d bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
1946 16 Operation failed. The index entry of length %d bytes for the index '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum length of %d bytes.
1947 16 Index cannot be created on view '%.*ls' because the view contains a self-join on '%.*ls'.
1948 16 Duplicate index names '%.*ls' and '%.*ls' detected on table '%.*ls'.
1949 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because function '%s' yields nondeterministic results.
1950 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a GROUP BY clause
1951 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in the WHERE clause.
1952 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a join.
1953 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a join.
1954 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view uses a column bound to a rule.
1955 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view contains a nondeterministic computed column.
1956 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view uses a nondeterministic user-defined function.
1957 16 Index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view requires a conversion involving dates or variants.
1958 16 This edition of SQL Server does not support indexed views.
1959 16 Cannot create index on view or computed column because this database is not SQL Server compatible.

Reference: Database Engine Events and Errors - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

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