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SQL Server Error Messages - Errors 14001 to 14500

A message number uniquely identifies each error message and the error message text describes the problem.  The error message text often includes placeholders for information (such as object names) to be inserted in the error message when it is displayed.  Unfortunately, the error message text does not tell you how to solve or work around the problem.  In this series of Error Messages list, we will try to provide you with ways on how to overcome or work around certain error messages.

Some error messages are self-explanatory and can easily be fixed, such as "Invalid object name".  Others are harder to fix or work around, especially by those who are new to SQL Server.  It is the intent of this page and succeeding pages (to come) to assist you in addressing or working around SQL Server error messages.

Error Severity Description
14002 16 Could not find the 'Sync' subsystem with the task ID %ld.
14003 16 You must supply a publication name.
14004 16 %s must be in the current database.
14005 16 Cannot drop the publication because at least one subscription exists for this publication. Drop all subscriptions to the publication before attempting to drop the publication. If the problem persists, replication metadata might be incorrect; consult Books
14006 16 Could not drop the publication.
14008 11 There are no publications.
14009 11 There are no articles for publication '%s'.
14010 16 The remote server '%s' is not defined as a subscription server. Ensure you specify the server name rather than a network alias.
14011 16 Unable to mark server '%s' as a non SQL Server subscriber.
14012 16 The @status parameter value must be either 'active' or 'inactive'.
14013 16 This database is not enabled for publication.
14014 16 The synchronization method (@sync_method) must be '[bcp] native', '[bcp] character', 'concurrent', 'concurrent_c', 'database snapshot', or 'database snapshot character'.
14015 16 The replication frequency (@repl_freq) must be either 'continuous' or 'snapshot'.
14016 16 The publication '%s' already exists.
14017 16 Invalid @restricted parameter value. Valid options are 'true' or 'false'.
14018 16 Could not create the publication.
14019 16 The @operation parameter value must be either add, drop, or alter.
14020 16 Could not obtain the column ID for the specified column. Schema replication failed.
14021 16 The column was not added correctly to the article.
14022 16 The @property parameter value must be either 'description', 'sync_object', 'type', 'ins_cmd', 'del_cmd', 'upd_cmd', 'filter', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', 'pre_creation_cmd', 'status', 'schema_option', or 'destination_owner'.
14023 16 The type must be '[indexed view ]logbased[ (manualview|manualfilter|manualboth)]', '[serializable ]proc exec', or '(view|indexed view|proc|func|aggregate|synonym) schema only'.
14024 16 The value of property 'subscriber_provider' cannot be NULL.
14025 10 Article update successful.
14026 16 The value of property 'subscriber_type is not a supported heterogeneous subscriber type. The value must be 1 (ODBC subscriber), or 3 (OLEDB subscriber).
14027 11 %s does not exist in the current database.
14028 16 Only user tables, materialized views, and stored procedures can be published as 'logbased' articles.
14029 16 The vertical partition switch must be either 'true' or 'false'.
14030 16 The article '%s' exists in publication '%s'.
14031 16 User tables and views are the only valid synchronization objects.
14032 16 The value of parameter %s cannot be 'all'. It is reserved by replication stored procedures.
14033 16 Could not change replication frequency because there are active subscriptions on the publication.
14034 16 The publication name (@publication) cannot be the keyword 'all'.
14035 16 The replication option '%s' of database '%s' has already been set to true.
14036 16 Could not enable database for publishing.
14037 16 The replication option '%s' of database '%s' has been set to false.
14038 16 Could not disable database for publishing.
14039 16 Could not construct column clause for article view. Reduce the number of columns or create the view manually.
14040 16 The server '%s' is already a Subscriber.
14041 16 The '%s' property can only be changed if the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions. The publication is not enabled.
14042 16 Could not create Subscriber.
14043 16 The parameter %s passed to stored procedure %s cannot be NULL.
14044 16 Unable to clear subscriber status for the server.
14045 16 Unable to update subscriber_type in MSdistribution_agents table.
14046 16 Could not drop article. A subscription exists on it.
14047 16 Could not drop %s.
14048 16 The server '%s' is not a Subscriber.
14049 16 Stored procedures for replication are the only objects that can be used as a filter.
14050 11 No subscription is on this publication or article.
14051 16 The parameter value must be 'sync_type' or 'dest_db'.
14052 16 The @sync_type parameter value must be "automatic", "none", "replication support only", "initialize with backup", or "initialize from lsn".
14053 16 The subscription could not be updated at this time.
14054 10 The subscription was updated successfully.
14055 10 The subscription does not exist.
14056 16 The subscription could not be dropped at this time.
14057 16 The subscription could not be created.
14058 16 Cannot create the subscription because the subscription already exists in the subscription database. Only one subscription to the same publication is allowed in each subscription database. Drop the subscription and add it again if necessary. If the proble
14059 16 Materialized view articles cannot be created for publications with the properties allow_sync_tran, allow_queued_tran, or allow_dts.
14060 16 Subscriber parameters specifying provider properties must be NULL for SQL Server subscribers.
14061 16 The @pre_creation_cmd parameter value must be 'none', 'drop', 'delete', or 'truncate'.
14062 10 The Subscriber was dropped.
14063 11 The remote server does not exist or has not been designated as a valid Subscriber.
14065 16 The @status parameter value must be 'initiated', 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'.
14066 16 The previous status must be 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'.
14067 16 The status value is the same as the previous status value.
14068 16 The subscription status of the object could not be changed.
14069 16 Could not update sysarticles. The subscription status could not be changed.
14070 16 Could not update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed.
14071 16 Could not find the Distributor or the distribution database for the local server. The Distributor may not be installed, or the local server may not be configured as a Publisher at the Distributor.
14074 16 The server '%s' is already listed as a Publisher.
14075 16 The Publisher could not be created at this time.
14076 16 Could not grant replication login permission to '%s'.
14077 10 The publication was updated successfully.
14078 16 The parameter must be 'description', 'taskid', 'sync_method', 'status', 'repl_freq', 'restricted', 'retention', 'immediate_sync', 'enabled_for_internet', 'allow_push', 'allow_pull', 'allow_anonymous', or 'retention'.
14080 16 The remote server "%s" does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers.
14085 16 The Subscriber information could not be obtained from the Distributor.
14088 16 The table '%s' must have a primary key to be published using the transaction-based method.
14089 16 The clustered index on materialized view '%s' may not contain nullable columns if it is to be published using the transaction-based method.
14090 16 Error evaluating article synchronization object after column drop. The filter clause for article '%s' must not reference the dropped column.
14091 16 The @type parameter passed to sp_helpreplicationdb must be either 'pub' or 'sub'.
14092 16 Could not change article because there is an existing subscription to the article.
14093 16 Cannot grant or revoke access directly on publication '%s' because it uses the default publication access list.
14094 16 Could not subscribe to article '%s' because heterogeneous Subscriber '%s' does not support the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value 'truncate'.
14095 16 The value for the @sync_method parameter is not valid. Could not subscribe to publication '%s' because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%s' only supports values of 'character', 'bcp character', 'concurrent_c', and 'database snapshot character' for the @sync_me
14096 16 The path and name of the table creation script must be specified if the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value is 'drop'.
14097 16 The 'status' value must be 'no column names', 'include column names', 'string literals', 'parameters', 'DTS horizontal partitions' or 'no DTS horizontal partitions'.
14098 16 Cannot drop Distribution Publisher '%s'. The remote Publisher is using '%s' as Distributor. Disable publishing at the Publisher before attempting to drop this relationship.
14099 16 The server '%s' is already defined as a Distributor. To reconfigure the server as a Distributor, you must first uninstall the exisiting Distributor. Use the stored procedure sp_dropdistributor, or use the Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard.
14100 16 Specify all articles when subscribing to a publication using concurrent snapshot processing.
14101 16 The publication '%s' already has a Snapshot Agent defined.
14102 16 Specify all articles when unsubscribing from a publication using concurrent snapshot processing.
14103 16 Invalid "%s" value. Valid values are "publisher", "subscriber", or "both".
14105 10 You have updated the distribution database property '%s' successfully.
14106 16 Distribution retention periods must be greater than or equal to 0.
14107 10 The @max_distretention value must be larger than the @min_distretention value.
14108 10 Removed %ld history records from %s.
14109 10 The @security_mode parameter value must be 0 (SQL Server Authentication) or 1 (Windows Authentication).
14110 16 For stored procedure articles, the @property parameter value must be 'description', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', 'pre_creation_cmd', 'schema_option', or 'destination_owner'.
14111 16 The @pre_creation_cmd parameter value must be 'none' or 'drop'.
14112 16 This procedure can be executed only against table-based articles.
14113 16 Could not execute '%s'. Check '%s' in the install directory.
14114 16 The server '%s' is not configured as a Distributor.
14115 16 The property parameter value must be %s.
14117 16 '%s' is not configured as a distribution database.
14118 16 A stored procedure can be published only as a 'serializable proc exec' article, a 'proc exec' article, or a 'proc schema only' article.
14119 16 Could not add the distribution database '%s'. This distribution database already exists.
14120 16 Could not drop the distribution database '%s'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher.
14121 16 Could not drop the Distributor '%s'. This Distributor has associated distribution databases.
14122 16 The @article parameter value must be 'all' for immediate_sync publications.
14123 16 The subscription @sync_type parameter value 'manual' is no longer supported.
14124 16 A publication must have at least one article before a subscription to it can be created.
14126 16 You do not have the required permissions to complete the operation.
14128 16 Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are 'push' or 'pull'.
14129 16 The @status parameter value must be NULL for 'automatic' sync_type when you add subscriptions to an immediate_sync publication.
14135 16 There is no subscription on Publisher '%s', publisher database '%s', publication '%s'.
14136 16 The keyword 'all' is reserved by replication stored procedures.
14137 16 The @value parameter value must be either 'true' or 'false'.
14138 16 Invalid option name '%s'.
14139 16 The replication system table '%s' already exists.
14143 16 Cannot drop Distributor Publisher '%s'. There are Subscribers associated with it in the distribution database '%s'.
14144 16 Cannot drop Subscriber '%s'. There are subscriptions for it in the publication database '%s'.
14146 16 The article parameter '@schema_option' cannot be NULL.
14147 16 Restricted publications are no longer supported.
14148 16 Invalid '%s' value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'.
14149 10 Removed %ld replication history records in %s seconds (%ld row/secs).
14150 10 Replication-%s: agent %s succeeded. %s
14151 18 Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s
14152 10 Replication-%s: agent %s scheduled for retry. %s
14153 10 Replication-%s: agent %s warning. %s
14154 16 The Distributor parameter must be '@heartbeat_interval'.
14155 16 Invalid article ID specified for procedure script generation.
14156 16 The custom stored procedure calling the format for the %s command specified in the article definition does not match the %s format.
14157 10 The subscription created by Subscriber '%s' to publication '%s' has expired and has been dropped.
14158 10 Replication-%s: agent %s: %s.
14159 16 Could not change property '%s' for article '%s' because there is an existing subscription to the article.
14160 10 One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and change the expiration threshold value if necessary.
14161 10 The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Make sure that the logreader and distribution agents are running and can match the latency requirement.
14162 10 One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary.
14163 10 One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary.
14164 10 One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary.
14165 10 One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary.
14166 10 Disable publishing ignored error msg %d, severity %d, state %d: %s.
14167 10 Subscription expiration
14168 10 Transactional replication latency
14169 10 Long merge over dialup connection
14170 10 Long merge over LAN connection
14171 10 Slow merge over LAN connection
14172 10 Slow merge over dialup connection
14196 10 The agent has never been run.
14197 10 Value of %s parameter should be in the set %s
14198 10 The value of the %s parameter should be in the range %s. Verify that the specified parameter value is correct.
14199 10 The specified job '%s' is not created for maintenance plans. Verify that the job has at least one step calling xp_sqlmaint.
14200 16 The specified '%s' is invalid.

Error Severity Description
14201 10 0 (all steps) ..
14202 10 before or after @active_start_time
14203 10 sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]
14204 10 0 (non-idle), 1 (executing), 2 (waiting for thread), 3 (between retries), 4 (idle), 5 (suspended), 7 (performing completion actions)
14205 10 (unknown)
14206 10 0..n seconds
14207 10 -1 [no maximum], 0..n
14208 10 1..7 [1 = E-mail, 2 = Pager, 4 = NetSend]
14209 10 0..127 [1 = Sunday .. 64 = Saturday]
14210 10 notification
14211 10 server
14212 10 (all jobs)
14213 10 Core Job Details:
14214 10 Job Steps:
14215 10 Job Schedules:
14216 10 Job Target Servers:
14217 10 SQL Server Warning: '%s' has performed a forced defection of TSX server '%s'. Run sp_delete_targetserver at the MSX in order to complete the defection.
14218 10 hour
14219 10 minute
14220 10 second
14221 16 This job has one or more notifications to operators other than '%s'. The job cannot be targeted at remote servers as currently defined.
14222 16 Cannot rename the '%s' operator.
14223 16 Cannot modify or delete operator '%s' while this server is a %s.
14224 10 Warning: The server name given is not the current MSX server ('%s').
14225 16 Warning: Could not determine local machine name. This prevents MSX operations from being posted.
14226 10 %ld history entries purged.
14227 10 Server defected from MSX '%s'. %ld job(s) deleted.
14228 10 Server MSX enlistment changed from '%s' to '%s'.
14229 10 Server enlisted into MSX '%s'.
14230 10 SP_POST_MSX_OPERATION: %ld %s download instruction(s) posted.
14231 10 SP_POST_MSX_OPERATION Warning: The specified %s ('%s') is not involved in a multiserver job.
14232 16 Specify either a job_name, job_id, or an originating_server.
14233 16 Specify a valid job_id (or 0x00 for all jobs).
14234 16 The specified '%s' is invalid (valid values are returned by %s).
14235 16 The specified '%s' is invalid (valid values are greater than 0 but excluding %ld).
14236 10 Warning: Non-existent step referenced by %s.
14237 16 When an action of 'REASSIGN' is specified, the New Login parameter must also be supplied.
14238 10 %ld jobs deleted.
14239 10 %ld jobs reassigned to %s.
14240 10 Job applied to %ld new servers.
14241 10 Job removed from %ld servers.
14242 16 Only a system administrator can reassign ownership of a job.
14243 10 Job '%s' started successfully.
14245 16 Specify either the @name, @id, or @loginname of the task(s) to be deleted.
14250 16 The specified %s is too long. It must contain no more than %ld characters.
14251 16 Cannot specify '%s' as the operator to be notified.
14252 16 Cannot perform this action on a job you do not own.
14253 10 %ld (of %ld) job(s) stopped successfully.
14254 10 Job '%s' stopped successfully.
14255 16 The owner ('%s') of this job is either an invalid login, or is not a valid user of database '%s'.
14256 16 Cannot start the job "%s" (ID %s) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with a job server by calling sp_add_jobserver.
14257 16 Cannot stop the job "%s" (ID %s) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with a job server by calling sp_add_jobserver.
14258 16 Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Try again later.
14260 16 You do not have sufficient permission to run this command. Contact your system administrator.
14261 16 The specified %s ('%s') already exists.
14262 16 The specified %s ('%s') does not exist.
14263 16 Target server '%s' is already a member of group '%s'.
14264 16 Target server '%s' is not a member of group '%s'.
14265 24 The MSSQLServer service terminated unexpectedly. Check the SQL Server error log and Windows System and Application event logs for possible causes.
14266 16 The specified '%s' is invalid (valid values are: %s).
14267 16 Cannot add a job to the '%s' job category.
14268 16 There are no jobs at this server that originated from server '%s'.
14269 16 Job '%s' is already targeted at server '%s'.
14270 16 Job '%s' is not currently targeted at server '%s'.
14271 16 A target server cannot be named '%s'.
14272 16 Object-type and object-name must be supplied as a pair.
14273 16 You must provide either @job_id or @job_name (and, optionally, @schedule_name), or @schedule_id.
14274 16 Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or schedules) that originated from an MSX server.
14275 16 The originating server must be either local server or MSX server.
14276 16 '%s' is a permanent %s category and cannot be deleted.
14277 16 The command script does not destroy all the objects that it creates. Revise the command script.
14278 16 The schedule for this job is invalid (reason: %s).
14279 16 Supply either @job_name, @job_id or @originating_server.
14280 16 Supply either a job name (and job aspect), or one or more job filter parameters.
14281 10 Warning: The @new_owner_login_name parameter is not necessary when specifying a 'DELETE' action.
14282 16 Supply either a date (created or last modified) and a data comparator, or no date parameters at all.
14283 16 Supply @target_server_groups or @target_servers, or both.
14284 16 Cannot specify a job ID for a new job. An ID will be assigned by the procedure.
14285 16 Cannot add a local job to a multiserver job category.
14286 16 Cannot add a multiserver job to a local job category.
14287 16 The '%s' supplied has an invalid %s.
14288 16 %s cannot be before %s.
14289 16 %s cannot contain '%s' characters.
14290 16 This job is currently targeted at the local server so cannot also be targeted at a remote server.
14291 16 This job is currently targeted at a remote server so cannot also be targeted at the local server.
14292 16 There are two or more tasks named '%s'. Specify %s instead of %s to uniquely identify the task.
14293 16 There are two or more jobs named '%s'. Specify %s instead of %s to uniquely identify the job.
14294 16 Supply either %s or %s to identify the job.
14295 16 Frequency Type 0x2 (OnDemand) is no longer supported.
14296 16 This server is already enlisted into MSX '%s'.
14297 16 Cannot enlist into the local machine.
14298 16 This server is not currently enlisted into an MSX.
14299 16 Server '%s' is an MSX. Cannot enlist one MSX into another MSX.
14301 16 Logins other than the current user can only be seen by members of the sysadmin role.
14305 16 Column '%.*ls' does not exist in table '%.*ls'.
14306 16 The target server (TSX) version is not compatible with the master server (MSX) version (%ld.%ld.%ld).
14307 16 Access to Integration Services package '%s' is denied.
14350 16 Cannot initialize COM library because CoInitialize failed.
14351 16 Cannot complete this operation because an unexpected error occurred.
14353 16 Cannot determine the service account for this SQL Server instance.
14357 16 Cannot list '%s' in Active Directory because the name is too long. Active Directory common names cannot exceed 64 characters.
14360 16 %s is already configured as TSX machine
14362 16 The MSX server must be running the Standard or Enterprise edition of SQL Server
14363 16 The MSX server is not prepared for enlistments [there must be an operator named 'MSXOperator' defined at the MSX]
14364 16 The TSX server is not currently enlisted
14365 16 Specify a valid schedule_uid.
14366 16 Only members of sysadmin role can modify the owner of a schedule.
14367 16 One or more schedules were not deleted because they are being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job.
14368 16 Schedule "%s" was not deleted because it is being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job.
14369 16 The schedule ID "%s" is used by more than one job. Specify the job_id.
14370 16 The @originating_server must be either the local server name or the master server (MSX) name for MSX jobs on a target server (TSX).
14371 16 There are two or more schedules named "%s". Specify %s instead of %s to uniquely identify the schedule.
14372 16 The schedule was not deleted because it is being used by one or more jobs.
14373 16 Supply either %s or %s to identify the schedule.
14374 16 The specified schedule name "%s" is not associated with the job "%s".
14375 16 More than one schedule named "%s" is attached to job "%s". Use "sp_update_schedule" to update schedules.
14376 16 More than one schedule named "%s" is attached to job "%s". Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job.
14377 16 The schedule was not attached to the specified job. The caller must own the job or the operation must be performed by a sysadmin.
14378 16 @sysadmin_only flag is no longer supported by SQLAgent and kept here only for backwards compatibility
14379 16 Table '%s' foreign key 'originating_server_id' does not have a matching value in the referenced view 'dbo.sysoriginatingservers_view'.
14380 16 Field 'originating_server_id' in table sysoriginatingservers is being referenced by either sysjobs or sysschedules.
14390 16 Only members of role sysadmin can specify the %s parameter.
14391 16 Only owner of a job or members of sysadmin role can detach a schedule.
14392 16 Only owner of a job or members of role sysadmin or SQLAgentOperatorRole can purge history of the job.
14393 16 Only owner of a job or members of role sysadmin or SQLAgentOperatorRole can start and stop the job.
14394 16 Only owner of a job schedule or members of sysadmin role can modify or delete the job schedule.
14395 16 '%s' is a member of sysadmin server role and cannot be granted to or revoked from the proxy. Members of sysadmin server role are allowed to use any proxy.
14396 16 Only members of sysadmin server role can modify multi-server jobs
14397 16 Only members of sysadmin server role can start/stop multi-server jobs
14398 16 Only members of sysadmin server role can create multi-server jobs
14399 16 Current proxy_id %d and new proxy_id %d cannot be the same.
14400 16 Proxy %d does not have access to subsystem %d. Please use sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem to grant permissions to this proxy.
14410 16 You must supply either a plan_name or a plan_id.
14411 16 Cannot delete this plan. The plan contains enlisted databases.
14412 16 The destination database is already part of a log shipping plan.
14413 16 This database is already log shipping.
14414 16 A log shipping monitor is already defined.
14415 16 The user name cannot be null when using SQL Server authentication.
14416 16 This stored procedure must be run in msdb.
14417 16 Cannot delete the monitor server while databases are participating in log shipping.
14418 16 The specified @backup_file_name was not created from database '%s'.
14419 16 The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup.
14420 16 The log shipping primary database %s.%s has backup threshold of %d minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for %d minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information.
14421 16 The log shipping secondary database %s.%s has restore threshold of %d minutes and is out of sync. No restore was performed for %d minutes. Restored latency is %d minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information.
14422 16 Supply either @plan_id or @plan_name.
14423 16 Other databases are enlisted on this plan and must be removed before the plan can be deleted.
14424 16 The database '%s' is already involved in log shipping.
14425 16 The database '%s' does not seem to be involved in log shipping.
14426 16 A log shipping monitor is already defined. Call sp_define_log_shipping_monitor with @delete_existing = 1.
14427 16 A user name is necessary for SQL Server security.
14428 16 Could not remove the monitor as there are still databases involved in log shipping.
14429 16 There are still secondary servers attached to this primary.
14430 16 Destination path %s is not valid. Unable to list directory contents. Specify a valid destination path.
14440 16 Could not set single user mode.
14441 16 Role change succeeded.
14442 16 Role change failed.
14450 16 The specified @backup_file_name was not taken from database '%s'.
14451 16 The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup.
14500 16 Supply either a non-zero message ID, non-zero severity, non-null performance condition, or non-null WMI namespace and query.

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